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Email Series: How to Improve Patient Experience & Feedback

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A Practical Guide for Patient-Experience Leaders

Revive the patient journey and reduce your team's workload

When it comes to patient care, certain complaints arise all too often. To name a few: 

  • Time spent in the waiting room is excessive
  • Patients have to reiterate information during visits
  • Time with doctors feels rushed and impersonal
  • Grievances aren't answered quickly or thoughtfully

Plus, 68% of patients said their healthcare providers need to improve how they interact with patients. So where's the disconnect and -- more importantly -- how can providers mend it? Considering 7 in 10 patients want their experience with healthcare providers to be as easy as their brand interactions in other industries, it's time to think outside traditional facility practices. 

This free email series provides the insight you're looking for to boost positive patient feedback and even streamline your team's daily processes. Fill out the form to get email #1 in your inbox instantly!